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The World leading resource in the 'Needs Centred' approach

to people development & performance

'Performance is a Behaviour, Not an Outcome'

Mark Bennett MBE

These 'Needs Centred' Coaching Excellence resources are designed to provide real-world solutions to common engagement, culture & performance challenges, enhancing how you maximise the performance potential of the people you manage/coach.

I share my learning from over 3 decades of enhancing organisations & teams' people behaviours, teamwork, performance & cultures

  • ​Global Business Organisations
  • Directors & Management Performance Mentoring
  • Professional senior & international teams
  • Olympic & Paralympic sports
  • Grassroots sports at club, County, & National level
  • Universities, Academies, Schools & Colleges
  • National Sporting Organisations
  • Military leadership & mentoring

    ​​Not just theories but real-world strategies that impact people's performance in teams & organisations while embedding the required change.

    Find out more about Mark Bennett MBE 

    Scroll down to view the different packages & some free tasters.

    The resources have been designed to help you contextualise & understand each individual element before sharing how to introduce & integrate them within your own environment.

    To find out more about my bespoke services & clients' testimonials here at

    Here, I share powerful strategies & principles that have been researched & developed over 1000s of hours of real-world experiences, working with organisations & teams around the world, from grassroots to elite sports & global corporate businesses.

    I want to provide a level of support that will truly add value to your role as a person & as a coach/mentor/manager.

    'The greatest athlete development is coach development'

    Available Products

    PDS Needs-Centred Coaching Excellence Members Area

    More Than Just a Course! This is a world-leading resource for Needs-centred performance principles in people development.

    It is packed with information that will help develop your own self-awareness, & coaching strategies to influence your team positively & the people you teach, coach, mentor & manage!

    Only £240 or £22 per month (for 12 months)

    Free Taster Of The Need Centred Coaching Excellence Members Area

    Here, you will find a taster of the material in the members' area: tutorials, live recordings of examples of the principles in action, podcasts, & recorded keynote speaking, sharing some elements of the PDS Needs-Centred approach to people performance.

    Get a peek into over 150 hours of resources that share over 30 years of experience in developing Needs-centred people performance strategies & systems! 

    ‘The greatest athlete development is coach development’

    The Basics - PDS Needs Centred Coaching & Performance Principles

    Here, you will find the basic principles of the PDS Needs-Centred coaching approach to people performance -.

    • The PDS Rule of 3
    • The Action Review Process
    • PDS Session Format Flow - Preparing - Executing - Reviewing Flow

    Introductory offer - Only £75 one-off payment!

    Developing Effective Decision Makers - The Action Review Process (ARP)

    Here is the most comprehensive breakdown of the Action Review Process outside the PDS Need-centred coaching excellence members area.

    • Breaking down each element of the ARP
    • The ARP coaches cycle
    • The ARP athletes cycle
    • Raw recorded examples of the ARP in action

    Introductory offer - Only £25 one-off payment!

    How to Build Athlete Ownership & Teamwork - The PDS Rule of 3

    Do you sometimes struggle to build teams that can take ownership & interact effectively without your constant input? 

    The PDS Rule of 3 will provide a framework that enhances live team dynamics & peer communication!

    This is a great first step in experiencing the PDS online resources.

    Introductory offer - Only £25 one-off payment!

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